TIXEL® Skin Resurfacing

What is Tixel Skin Resurfacing?

TIXEL® skin resurfacing stands at the forefront of advanced aesthetic procedures, harnessing cutting-edge technology to rejuvenate your skin. This non-invasive treatment utilizes thermal energy to stimulate collagen production, effectively targeting multiple skin imperfections with precision and finesse.

Choose TIXEL® at the aesthetic collective for a transformative experience tailored to your unique needs. Our commitment to excellence ensures that you receive personalized care and optimal results with state-of-the-art technology.

More questions? Call or text us at (512) 957-9638.

A before and after image of acne scarring on the face treated with TIXEL.

What does Skin Resurfacing treat?

Acne Scars

Crepey Skin

Lip Lines

Uneven Skin Tone

Age Spots

Sun Damage

Sagging Jawline

Skin Texture

Crow's Feet

Hooded Eyes

Stretch Marks


  • Acne Scars

  • Age Spots

  • Crepey Skin

  • Sun Damage

  • Stretch Marks

  • Skin Texture

  • Uneven Skin Tone

  • Hooded Eyes

  • Crow's Feet

  • Sagging Jawline

  • Lip Lines

  • Others

Before and After Skin Resurfacing

A before and after photo of a woman who received TIXEL treatment.
A photo of a woman before and after skin resurfacing for crepey, aging skin.
A before and after of treating hooded eyes with TIXEL skin resurfacing.


Have more questions? Book your appointment now:


How much does skin resurfacing cost?

At the aesthetic collective, the cost of TIXEL® varies based on individual needs and treatment plans. We offer personalized consultations to assess your specific requirements and provide accurate pricing information tailored to your unique concerns. Book yours today.

Who is a good candidate for TIXEL® treatment?

TIXEL® treatment is well-suited for individuals seeking skin rejuvenation in delicate areas such as the face, eyelids, neck, and décolleté. This innovative procedure is safe and effective for nearly all skin types and tones, making it particularly advantageous for individuals with darker skin tones. Additionally, TIXEL® is considered safe for individuals with melasma and/or acne, offering a versatile solution for a broad range of skin concerns.

Does skin resurfacing hurt?

TIXEL® skin resurfacing procedures are designed to be well-tolerated, and discomfort is minimized with the use of topical anesthetics. Patients may experience a sensation of warmth during the procedure, but any potential discomfort is temporary. Our skilled practitioners prioritize your comfort, ensuring a positive experience throughout the treatment.

How many treatments are required?

The number of TIXEL® treatments needed varies depending on individual skin conditions and desired results. Our experienced practitioners will create a personalized treatment plan during your consultation, outlining the recommended number of sessions to achieve optimal outcomes.

Are there any side effects?

Some individuals may experience mild redness or swelling immediately after the treatment, which typically subsides within a few hours to days. Our practitioners will discuss potential side effects during the consultation to ensure you are well-informed and comfortable with the process.

How long will my results last?

The longevity of TIXEL® results varies among individuals. Typically, optimal outcomes become noticeable within 4-6 weeks after the treatment. It's important to note that TIXEL® treatment cannot be utilized while pregnant or breastfeeding. Consistent skincare and adherence to post-treatment guidelines will contribute to the maintenance and potential extension of your rejuvenated skin's appearance. During a consultation, our practitioners will provide personalized insights into optimizing and prolonging the effectiveness of your TIXEL® treatment results.

Is TIXEL® better than Microneedling?

TIXEL® stands out as a non-invasive option, offering a contrast to the invasive nature of microneedling treatments, whether with or without Radiofrequency (RF). Notably, feedback from both providers and patients highlights more pronounced tightening and wrinkle reduction with TIXEL® in comparison to microneedling, regardless of the inclusion of RF. To determine the most suitable option for your specific needs, we recommend booking a consultation with our experienced medical professionals. They will assess your unique requirements and guide you towards the optimal treatment choice for achieving your desired results.

What to avoid after TIXEL®?

In the first 24 hours after treatment avoid swimming or sports involving heavy sweating and exposure to heat (sauna, hot showers) and skincare products (especially Vitamin A and C and acids). The next day after treatment mineral makeup can be applied if necessary.

When is the best time of year to schedule a TIXEL® treatment?

The ideal time for laser skin resurfacing treatment depends on individual preferences and lifestyle considerations. However, some general guidelines can help you plan for optimal results and comfort:

  • Many individuals choose Fall and Winter for treatment as these seasons typically involve less sun exposure. Reduced sun exposure is crucial post-treatment to minimize the risk of pigmentation changes and ensure proper healing.

  • Regardless of the season, it's advisable to schedule your treatments when you can limit sun exposure for a few weeks post-procedure. This helps protect the treated skin and promotes optimal healing.

  • If you have a specific event or occasion in mind, consider scheduling well in advance. This allows for any initial redness or swelling to subside and for the full benefits of the treatment to become apparent.

    To determine the best timing for your TIXEL treatment, it's recommended to schedule a consultation with our experienced practitioners. They can assess your individual needs, discuss your schedule, and provide personalized recommendations for the most suitable timing based on your unique circumstances.

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Anti-aging, Regenerative and Specialized Aesthetics: At the aesthetic collective we provide the highest quality cosmetic and aesthetic injectables including Botox / Dysport / Xeomin, Filler and PRP in Bastrop, TX. The providers at The aesthetic collective also focus on helping our clients achieve ultimate skin health by utilizing proper medical grade products and integrating appropriate and evidence-based skin health procedures.


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